The White Horse Theatre erneut an unserer Schule
White Horse Theater 2013
Fotos von Frau Schloßhauer folgen...

Am Freitag, dem 25.01.2013, war wie jedes Jahr das White Horse Theatre an unserer Schule und präsentierte uns ein modernes Stück von Neil Labude. "The Shape of Things" handelt von einem Kunstexperiment einer Studentin, welches sich mit dem Willen des Menschen auseinandersetzt. Dafür wählt sie eine Person, die kein Selbstvertrauen hat und leicht zu beeinflussen ist. Ohne zu wissen, worum es geht, lässt sich Adam, das Versuchskaninchen, auf die schöne Evelyn ein. Seine Freunde bemerken die Veränderungen, doch er möchte nichts davon wissen. Adams beste Freundin Jenny lernt seine neue Persönlichkeit zu schätzen und verliebt sich in ihn. Während der gesamten Handlung spricht Evelyn immer wieder ihre bevorstehende Kunstausstellung an, welche sie am Ende vorstellt. Dabei bekommt Adam mit, dass er nur benutzt wurde und Evelyns Gefühle zu ihm nur gespielt waren.
Auf einer 4x4 Meter großen Bühne und mit nur wenig Requisiten versetzten die vier Schauspieler das Publikum mit in die Handlung. Wieder einmal erstaunten sie uns mit ihrer Spielweise, den schnellen Kleiderwechseln und einem interessanten Stück.
Wir hoffen, dass uns das White Horse Theatre auch im nächsten Jahr wieder beehren wird.
Every year the White Horse Theatre comes to our school to present a new role play. On Friday 25th January 2013 they performed their newest work "The Shape of Things" by Neil Labude. It is about an art student named Evelyn. She wants to show that humans are changeable with influence. Therefore Evelyn chooses a person with little self- confidence. Without knowing about the plan Adam, the guinea pig, falls in love with the beautiful Evelyn. His friends recognize his change, but Adam doesn't want to know anything about it. During the whole story Evelyn speaks about her upcoming art exhibit and during this presentation Adam notice that he is only a project for his big love.
Only with a few props and a 4x4 meter stage the actors managed to entertain the audience. The quickly clothe change, the play of them and the interesting play impressed us again.
We hope that next year White Horse Theatre comes to our school again.
Text Florentyna Born und Saskia Schönheit (JGS 11)
Es folgt ein Brief an die Mimen des White Horse Theatre:
Dear actors,
I want to thank you for the amazing play. I liked that you’ve decided to present us a modern play not a Shakespeare play, so that we can imagine ourselves in this situations and feel with the characters. I also felt with the characters especially at the end. I just wanted to hug the character Adam, because he seemed so sad. Although I’ve known about the content of the story, I was really staggered by the end, which I really liked, because it was an open end. Moreover I loved the American accent. If I hadn’t known that you’re from Great Britain, I would have thought that you’re from America. With the funny scenes in between you made the play more interesting. It was also easy to understand.
The only things I didn’t like were that we had to sit on the hard floor or the bench for a really long time, which was really uncomfortable, and that every 10th word was something like ‘fuck’ so that some people were laughing and I didn’t understood what you were saying all the time.
All in all the play ‘The Shape of things’ was a really interesting play, which I would like to see a continuation of it. Thank you for coming to our school every year.
Yours Florentyna

White Horse Theater 2012
Alle Fotos stammen von Frau Schloßhauer...

Am 28.03.2012 gastierte eine englischsprachige Theatergruppe an unserer Schule. Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts besuchten wir dieses Theaterstück. Die vier Schauspieler kamen alle aus England. Sie nennen sich „The White Horse Theatre“. Das Theaterstück „The slug in the shoe“ war sehr lustig. Es ging um einen Vater, der allein mit seinem Sohn Luke lebte. Nebenan lebte eine Mutter mit ihrer Tochter Megan. Als sich der Mann und die Frau zum ersten Mal sahen, verliebten sie sich ineinander. Sie gingen joggen und verabredeten sich miteinander. Megan und Luke erschraken, als sie erfuhren, dass sich ihre Eltern mögen. Sie versuchten alles, um die Eltern auseinanderzubringen, da beide sich hassten. Um das gemeinsame Ziel zu verfolgen, schlossen sich die Kinder zusammen. Sie spielten den Eltern viele Streiche. Die zwei schlimmsten und witzigsten Streiche waren einmal, als sie Essig mit Weißwein vertauschten. Als die Eltern das tranken, spuckten sie alles ins Publikum. Ich saß glücklicherweise in der zweiten Reihe und bekam nur etwas ab. Die erste Reihe hatte nicht so viel Glück.
Oder als Megan ihrer Mutter eine riesige Nacktschnecke in den Schuh steckte. Es kam zu einem Streit zwischen dem Vater und der Mutter. Megan konnte nicht in ihre Wohnung und übernachtete bei Luke. Als herauskam, dass die Kinder den Eltern Streiche gespielt hatten, vertrugen sich die Eltern wieder und die Kinder sahen ein, dass sie gegen die Liebe ihrer Eltern nichts machen konnten. Am Ende zogen sie doch alle zusammen.
Einen großen Dank an die Schauspieler, die eine super Show abgeliefert haben und an Frau Schloßhauer, die das Projekt für uns erst möglich gemacht hat.
Tim Schädlich (5 A)
Here are some pupils from our class told us their opinion after the show:
The theatre was exciting and informative. Of course it was funny,too. I didn't like the man who spat at the audience. The actors played their parts very well. These actors performed the play really very clearly and so it was demanding for us. They even taught us a lesson.
Leonard Schilke (5 A)
The show was very interesting and funny. We liked it very much. You can come again, please!!!
Dorkas Höhne (5 A)
The theatre performance was really exciting, special and simply great. Especially Luke with his gesture was super. I couldn't understand everything but because of the great actors it was easier for me to follow. This show was a brilliant idea and I think everybody liked it very much. The only thing I didn't like was the spitting.
Benjamin Nass (5 A)
The show was really cool because your gesture was really fantastic.
Robert Henze (5 A)
It was really cool to sit in the very first row. Your show was good because it was nothing for babies. Your gesture was funny. I think you acted very well and there is nothing to complain about.
It was very interesting !!!
Timur Galle (5 A)
That was a perfect show. The scenes were so real, because the actors were really fantastic. My favourite scene was this one with the stink bombs and the cushion. The scene with the vinegar I didn't like. I hope you will be in our school in our town of Finsterwalde a second time. I would give you mark 2+, because I didn't like the scene in which a person spat. I would like to see you here again!!!!!!
Felix Gierach (5 A)
Here are some letters from 7 D addressed to the actors of the White Horse Theatre:
Dear actors and actresses,
I would like to thank you for the great show. I found it was very funny especially your gestures. The good thing was that you spoke very clearly and slowly so that I understood almost everything. It is really nice of you that you go on tour through Germany . And I would like to add that this show encouraged me to learn English even harder.
I really hope very much to see you here in our school again.
With best regards.
Leon Lehmann (7 D)
Dear actresses and actors of the White Horse Theatre,
Thank you again for this good show. Your body language and gesture are really great. We liked it very much. Your facial expression was very funny, too. But we have to admit that there was one thing we didn't like.
We sat in a square and in the centre was the show. So we could not see everything.
But on the whole it was fantastic. The Slug in the Shoe is a beautiful story. We hope you will come back to our school soon with another great story!!!
Keep it up!!!:)
See you soon.
Yours Anna and Emma from the Saengerstadt-Gymnasium Finsterwalde (7 D)
Dear actors and actresses,
Thank you very much for your great play. I enjoyed it. Sometimes I didn't understand all your dialogues. Thanks to your body language and your gesture I could guess what you were talking about. I personally liked Luke's facial expressions best.
I know the White Horse Theatre from last year. You were playing ''The Weasel in the Sack'' at that time.
I will be glad if you come back next year.
See you soon.
Kind regards.
Yours Laura Ramoth (7 D)
Dear White Horse Theatre ,
I am Philipp. Thanks for your show. I would like to tell you my opinion.
I think your show was very good and very interesting. I liked the way you acted together. I must say that I didn't understand every single word. But
I liked your performance very much. The son of the father was very ''crazy'' and the parents acted very well. The sound was very good, too and fit to it. I told the others that your shoe was very funny, too.
My friends are of the same opinion!!!
I will be very glad to hear from you soon.
Bye, Philipp Kaiser. (7 D)
Dear actors of the White Horse Theatre,
Special thanks to you for your very interesting show. The story itself was great and we liked your gestures and body language very much.
Before we watched your performance we were introduced to the plot of your play in our English lesson. But your show was overwhelming!!!
We have learned a lot about how to meet halfway and the true life of a patchwork family.
It was cool to see the children arguing with each other.
In general we had learned very much about life.
And life is really great fun :) .
Thanks a lot for coming here and changing our school life .
Hanna Hertel (7 A)

„Viel Lärm um Nichts“ – „Much Ado about Nothing“ (1600) der Titel der Komödie von William Shakespeare, die uns am 28.03.2012 in der Turnhalle von Haus II dargeboten wurde. Die Schauspiler des White Horse Theatre schafften es mit kleiner Kulisse und großem Talent, die Zuschauer der Jahrgänge 10-12/13 zu begeistern.
Die gezeigte Komödie ist eine Liebesgeschichte, die es in sich hat. Zurückgekehrt vom Krieg verliebt sich Claudio in Hero. Benedikt, Claudios Freund, hingegen hat ein Auge auf Beatrice, Heros Cousine, geworfen. Allerdings möchte er sich seine Gefühle nicht eingestehen. Don Juan (Mary) ist das ganze Liebesglück ein Dorn im Auge und durch eine Intrige kommt es zum Eklat. Jedoch siegt die Liebe und zum Schluss steht nur noch der Applaus.
Das Stück zeichnete sich nicht nur durch herausragende schauspielerische Leistungen, sondern auch den Einbezug des Publikums aus. So sorgte zum Beispiel Santa Claus (Abimottowoche) für einen weihnachtlichen Verfremdungseffekt in der Fastenzeit.
Die Sorge der Schüler, das englischsprachige Stück nicht zu verstehen, erwies sich zumeist als unbegründet. Durch große Emotionen und viel Leidenschaft wurde die eine oder andere Sprachbarriere überwunden.
Rückblickend war der Auftritt des White Horse Theatres eine gelungene Abwechslung zum „normalen“ Englischunterricht und eröffnete den Schülern eine neue Facette der englischen Sprache. Wir hoffen auf viele weitere Besuche dieser zauberhaften Theater-Truppe an unserer Schule.
Text Claudia Fröschke, Niklas Rosar, Paula Vogel