Wie jedes Jahr kamen die Schüler der 8. Klassen voller Begeisterung von der Klassenfahrt nach Blossin zurück. Ihre Eindrücke verarbeiteten die Schüler der Klasse 8 A als Werbetext, als Bericht oder Tagebucheintrag. In allen Texten kann man die Freude über die gelungene Fahrt und die gewonnenen Erfahrungen sehr deutlich spüren.
Do you plan a class trip or a trip to a summer camp? Yes? Then read this report about our wonderful week in Blossin.
Different kinds of sport could be tried and there was something for everyone! A lot of fun made for example windsurfing and we also learned how to orientate with a compass. Many coaches helped and supported us to learn the kinds of sports and all of them did a very good job!
There was a lot of sport the whole week but for us it was also very chilly and cool. We met pupils from other classes who we had not known before and we agreed that this was the best week of the year. What we didn´t like was that the dinner time which was very early so we got hungry before we went to bed. The bungalows were a little bit small but since we only stayed at them at night they were big enough.
To cut a long story short we had a wonderful, informative, interesting and funny week in Blossin and the trainers were so friendly that we can only recommend spending a week there.
Jule Baacke, Ladina Throne, Anne Freudenberg, Anne-Kathrin Laske, Lisa Steiniger, Marc Tanneberger
Blossin - an unforgettable class trip
From the 27th June to the 1st July we, the class 8a, became part of the class trip of all classes 8 and their class teachers to Blossin. The trip to the youth centre which is specialized in water sports, took ca. 1 ½ hours and was very funny. We had to wait some time until we could occupy our wood houses. From now on we were always in action.
We had two interesting and exhausting activities every day. Almost everyone liked the water sport activities like surfing, sailing and canoeing. But inline skating and the team-tour were activities most of us didn´t enjoy as much as the water sports. Every activity was guided by several funny trainers who showed us what we had to do and how we had to do it. Our most favourite trainer was Paul, but every coach did a fantastic job.
We also did sport in our free time, because we played table tennis, volleyball, basketball, and so on. So we were in our little houses only a short time, which made us disunited about their size. Some of us said that they were too small, but the others said that they were big enough. Not only the activities, trainers and the possibilities to do sport in the free time were great, also the food tasted very delicious.
Unfortunately, after four days of action and fun, our unforgettable week was over on Friday and we had to leave Blossin. Back home our families and many questions waited for us.
On behalf of all the participants we would like to thank our parents for financing this trip and our teachers for organizing and realizing this unforgettable journey which was definitely the best so far.
John-Paul Strobelt,
Marcus Sachse, Johannes Maye, Isabell Möbus, Maurice Schober, Danny Schober
A trip to Blossin - a diary entry
Dear Diary,
One week is over. One special week. It was our unforgettable class trip to Blossin. Five days we had action, fun and a lot of friends around us. I’m so tired now! It was definitely one of the best weeks in this complete school year.
We had many team-activities like climbing, canoeing, sailing, Scotland Yard, orienteering, inline skating and surfing. But there were also many other things to do. Although some of us didn’t do them. Many of us thought that surfing was the best one we did. It was funny and interesting as well. Nobody went surfing before that and so it was new for all of us.
You could hang out with your friends all the time and you met some new ones. Also, our accommodations were nice. Maybe, a little bit tiny but the most time we were outside and so it didn’t care. The food was not my favourite one but it was okay. There was a big selection of things to eat or to drink and most of us were full after the meal.
The trainers were very funny and did an absolutely great job. They explained everything well and ensured our safety.
I could talk about this week for hours, because it was a fantastic time in the Youth Education Center in Blossin. Maybe, I go there again. But now it’s really time to sleep. Good Night!
Laura Krenitz, Helene Antysiak, Lea Tzitschke, Inola Gollasch, Emma Schüler
Our class trip to Blossin
Dear diary,
Last week we went to Blossin to our class trip. All classes 8 went there. We went 2 hours by bus. I was so excited when I saw the little village which would be our home for the next 4 days. I was in house 9 with 8 other girls.”9 girls and 1 bathroom”, I thought. But luckily it wasn’t as bad as I thought. The house was clean, a little bit too small and very comfy. The others liked it, too.
Of course, we did much sport at our class trip, but we had much free time, too. Very much free time. We had the entire evening and always 1 hour between the activities.
The activities were wonderful! They were so different and most of them were very exciting and funny. Surfing was the best activity for the most of us in this week. Absolutely I agree. It was a thing I have never done before. I was very nervous when I stood on the board for the first time. I believe everyone felt like this. I fell into the water many times. But later, after many falls, I stood on the board and glided across the water! It was fantastic. I wished that this would never end.
The worst activity was skating. Normally I liked skating, but my shoes had size 44! I couldn’t drive with these shoes. The trainers were cool and very nice. I liked all of them.
The food was okay. Not the best, but neither the worst.
Oh, I forget: Many pupils hurt themselves while inline skating or surfing.
All in all it was a really good class trip. The lake was big and crystal clear, the trainers were nice and the houses were comfy.
8 B
8 C

8 D